Recent Activities

২ জানুয়ারি ২০২৩ জাতীয় সমাজসেবা দিবস উপলক্ষে আয়োজিত অনুষ্ঠানে শেল্টার সমাজ কল্যাণ সংস্থার অংশগ্রহণ

এনজিও বিষয়ক মাসিক সমন্বয় সভা উপজেলা পরিষদ (29/12/2022)

Last Day of 3 day long workshop on Telemedicine.

বিজয় দিবস 2022

এনজিও বিষয়ক মাসিক সমন্বয় সভা উপজেলা পরিষদ (16/11/2022)

মহেষপুর উপজেলায় টেলিমেডিসিন প্রোজেক্ট এ স্বাস্থ্য কর্মীদের ট্রেনিং

টেলিমেডিসিন প্রোজেক্ট এ স্বাস্থ্য কর্মীদের ট্রেনিং এর শেষ দিন

টেলিমেডিসিন প্রোজেক্ট এ স্বাস্থ্য কর্মীদের ট্রেনিং

শহীদ ক্যাপ্টেন শেখ কামাল এর অস্থায়ী প্রতিকৃতিতে পুষ্পস্তবক অর্পন। 05/08/2022

Shelter’s Representation: National Dialogue at CIRDAP, Dhaka

Mrs. Romena Begum, Executive Director of Shelter Samaj Kallyan Shangstha participates the national dialogue organized by Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha (BNPS) and UN Women.

Rokshana Khatun, District Coordinator and PC of Shelter Samaj Kallyan Shangstha participated in the Rally organized by Jhenaidah Sadar Upazilla Social Welfare Office held on 27July, 2022.

Shelter’s representation in the District NGO Coordination Meeting, July 2022

Rokshana Khatun, District Coordinator and PC of Shelter Samaj Kallyan Shangstha participated in the District NGO Coordination Meeting held on 27 July, 2022. She discussed the activities of Shelter for the month of June, 2022.

Rokshana Khatun discussed the activities of Shelter for the month of June, 2022.

Shelter’s representation in the Upazilla NGO Coordination Meeting, July 2022

Rokshana Khatun, District Coordinator and PC of Shelter Samaj Kallyan Shangstha participates in the Jhenaidah Sadar Upazilla NGO Coordination Meeting held on 26 , July 2022. She discussed the activities of Shelter for the month of June , 2022.

Rokshana Khatun, District Coordinator and PC of Shelter Samaj Kallyan Shangstha discusses the activities of Shelter for the month of June , 2022.

Training on

A two days training for Upazilla Coordinator on Telemedicine held on July 23-24, 2022 at Shelter Head Office in Jhenaidah.

District Information Meeting of NGO Forum For ICT

District Information Meeting of NGO Forum For ICT, Jhenaidah District was held on 28.06.2022 at Shelter Head Office in Jhenaidah.

Shelter’s representation at ADAB workship

Shaikh Shahnur Reza represents Shelter Samaj Kallyan Shangstha at Resource Mobilization workshop held on 23.06.2022 organized by ADAB

A courtyard meeting on combating of suicide, child marriage and dowry held

A courtyard meeting on combating of suicide, child marriage and dowry was held at Arappur, Jhenaidah on 8.06.2022. In the meeting Program Coordinator Rokshana Khatun aware the community women about the bad impact of the said issues.

Mrs. Romena Begum, Executive Director of Shelter Samaj Kallyan Sangstha donates a battery driven rikshaw to a poor family.

Mrs. Romena Begum, Executive Director of Shelter Samaj Kallyan Sangstha donates a battery driven rikshaw to a poor family. Safiqul Islam, the only earning member of the family is confident enough to run his family with the income of the rikshaw.

Vulnerable Group Development program (VGD) 

This   specialized program has taken recently by Shelter  Somaj  Kallayan  Sangstha (SSKS) aiming to support most vulnerable women group in the rural context in Bangladesh. It is the joint effort with the Ministry of Women & Children Affaires Bangladesh Government. The program is running on only two Sub-districts namely Dimla and Dumar under the district of Nilphamari in Bangladesh. It is estimated that the program will cover targeted about 2102 number of  deprived  and  extreme  poor  women  in  that areas  and  support  them  through  this program.

Promotion of Safe Migration Program (2010- ongoing)

The Program is particularly focused on safe migration and rights of Bangladeshi migrant workers; pre-departure, post- arrival and reintegration assistance for migrant to the Middle East countries. The program aims to establishing of pre-departure services and assistance in destination countries and upon return for Bangladeshi migrant workers and their families including awareness rising on safe migration and prevention program undocumented migration/trafficking in Bangladeshi society in general.

Anti-Tobacco Campaign Program

This is  a significant program of Shelter  Somaj  Kallayan  Sangstha.  Anti-tobacco campaign program is an awareness raising program and dissemination of information among the community people that how tobacco can seriously injurious for human health and its bad impact and health risk. Virtually the program has been focused on the specific intervention areas with joint effort that was incorporated with NGO partnership program.