Major Projects and Programs:

Group organization

Shelter  Somaj  Kallayan  Sangstha  (SSKS)  works mainly through group approaches. Organize the target peoples especially the woman of the poor and poorest families into groups to develop their individual and collective strengths and ability.

   Water and Sanitation

Peoples are educated on arsenic problems and sanitation through meetings. Seminars and group discussion etc. During the last one year 315 sets of sanitary latrines have been distributed among group members and other families of the program villages and other families of the program villages and tested arsenic level in water of 620 hand tube-wells

   Trafficking Protection Program

The  project  area  has  been  an  important  route  for  trafficking  women  and  children. From  other  parts  of  the  country  women  and  children  are  trafficked  and  a  good numbers  of  these  trafficked  persons  are  trafficking  through  the  area.  On the other hand a large number of the women and children has been trafficking from this are The main aim of this program is to make  the peoples conscious and  aware of  the women and children trafficking. The program has been covering 20 rural villages of Jhenidah Sadar  Upzila, Dist: Jhenidah Bangladesh.

   Disabled Rehabilitation Program

Main   aims of this project is to improve the quality of lives of the disabled persons Provided logistic and financial supports to the 35 families of disabled persons who have been operation various alternative income generation.

Promotion of Safe Migration Program

The  Program  is  particularly  focused  on  safe  migration  and  rights  of  Bangladeshi migrant workers; pre-departure, post- arrival and reintegration assistance for migrant to  the  Middle  East  countries. The  program  aims  to  establishing  of  pre-departure services  and  assistance  in  destination  countries  and  upon  return  for  Bangladeshi migrant workers and their families including awareness rising on safe migration and prevention  program  undocumented  migration/trafficking  in  Bangladeshi  society  in general.

Women Empowerment Program:

The   Women   Empowerment   Project   of   Shelter  Somaj  Kallayan  Sangstha  (SSKS)      has   been   delivered   multi-level development benefits, providing much needed skills and income generating potential to  targeted  households.  It  has  increased  their  traditional  knowledge,  skills  and attitudes  that  will  have  a  positive  impact  on  the  lives  of  the  local  families.  The project follows a cooperative group approach for improving self-financing schemes and individual income to provide support for the local economy. It is needless to say that  around  Bangladesh,  women  and  girls  who  are  disproportionately  affected  by poverty  and  discrimination.  Often,  women  and  girls  are  not  allowed  to  make decisions  about  their  household’s  income,  or  tradition  and  culture  forbid  them  to leave their homes. In other words, half of the population cannot contribute to their families and communities economic development. A great resource goes untapped. But women are an important part of the solutions needed to truly overcome poverty. Our  experience  shows  us  that  when  equipped  with  the  proper  resources,  women have the power to help their families and entire communities escape poverty. When women  earn  an  income,  they  reinvest  90  percent  of  it  in  their  families  while  for every year a girl spends in school she raises her family income by up to 20 percent. Additionally, educated girls grow into educated women, who have healthier babies and are more likely to educate their children. It’s a simple formula: empowerment is the  total  sum  of  changes  needed  for  a  woman  to  realize  her  full  human  rights. Empowerment is not just about giving women training or a loan. Empowerment is more than that. It means that relationships and social structures that shape the lives of women and girls must change. Women’s empowerment can only be achieved when we include men and boys. Men are often those who define and keep women within their boundaries. But when we engage  with  them  they  realize  that  their  wives’  empowerment  benefits  the  whole family.  Promoting  gender  equality  and  empowering  women  is  the  key  to  lifting entire  families  out  of  poverty  –  and  it  defines  our  programs  worldwide.  SSKS Bangladesh  is  focused  on  women  exercising  greater  choice  in  decisions  affecting their  lives;  reduced  violence  against  women:  and  the  emergence  of  strong  social movements built on women’s solidarity and participation of men.

Vulnerable Group Development program (VGD): 

This   specialized program has taken recently by Shelter  Somaj  Kallayan  Sangstha (SSKS) aiming to support most vulnerable women group in the rural context in Bangladesh. It is the joint effort with the Ministry of Women & Children Affaires Bangladesh Government. The program is running on only two Sub-districts namely Dimla and Dumar under the district of Nilphamari in Bangladesh. It is estimated that the program will cover targeted about 2102 number of  deprived  and  extreme  poor  women  in  that areas  and  support  them  through  this program.

Mother and Child Health Care Program:

The  issue  of  Mother  &  Child  Health  Care  and  infant  mortality  in  Bangladesh  has been  a  longstanding  concern.  Bangladesh maternal  mortality  rate  continues  to  be unacceptably high. For each woman who dies due to complication from pregnancy and childbirth and many more suffer injuries, infections and sometimes disabilities brought about by conditions and it is a common phenomenon particularly in the rural context of Bangladesh.  This  period  builds  on  Shelter  Somaj  Kallayan  Sangstha    success  with  a  six  year Community Based Mother & Child Health Care project in district of Jhainadha in Bangladesh.   Therefore,   it   has   been   imperative   to   undertaken   comprehensive interventions in the proposed areas so that women, children and adolescent as well as common people in the rural areas might enjoy minimum health rights to improve their overall health condition. It will be worthy to extend support through a project to the destitute and poor women and children living in the proposed working area who  are  in  acute  crisis  of  reproductive  health,  sanitation,  nutrition  and  primary healthcare services. Shelter  Somaj  Kallayan  Sangstha  confident enough this support will immensely benefit the  poor  women  and  children  in  improving  livelihood  security  by  reducing  health related risks and hazards.

Anti-Tobacco Campaign Program:

This is  a significant program of Shelter  Somaj  Kallayan  Sangstha.  Anti-tobacco campaign program is an awareness raising program and dissemination of information among the community people that how tobacco can seriously injurious for human health and its bad impact and health risk. Virtually the program has been focused on the specific intervention areas with joint effort that was incorporated with NGO partnership program.

Holistic Homeopathic Curative Treatment Program:

Homeopathy,  or  homeopathic  medicine,  is  a  holistic  system  of  treatment  and  is based  on  the  idea  that  substances  that  produce  symptoms  of  sickness  in  healthy people will have a curative effect when given in very dilute quantities to sick people who  exhibit  those  same  symptoms.  Homeopathic  physicians  seek  to  cure  their patients on the physical, mental and emotional levels, and each treatment is tailored to a patient’s individual needs. Considering these ideas a cross sectional study was conducted  in  Jhenidah  city  and  its  adjoining  areas  to  determine  the characteristics of patients seeking homeopathic treatment. In the light of Shelter  Somaj  Kallayan  Sangstha (SSKS) has taken this specialized program to provide curative homeopathy treatment among the poor community at low cost service delivery. In order to a sample of 250 patients was  selected  for  interview  for  the  study  and  recorded  patients  history  by  the experienced   registered   doctor   and   provided   medicine   with   necessary   medical instructions.

Bangladesh WASH Forum: 

Shelter  Somaj  Kallayan  Sangstha  (SSKS) has  actively  taken  initiative  to  organize  Wash Alliance or Forum just couple of year behind to address the Wash related problems to the community  levels.  Finally, it comes into existence as a Bangladesh Wash  Forum  where SSKS act as a Vice President of the Forum. The Forum has the long prelude and in a sense we are trying out to briefly explain now.   The Bangladesh Wash Forum (BWF) is a NGO platform across the country that shares expertise on water sanitation and hygiene promotion. It  has  been  formed  from  the  premise  that  water  sanitation  is  a  major  phenomenon  of  the twenty-first century, with impact at local and national levels. The Bangladesh Wash Forum includes all those grassroots NGOs who are working on the topic of water sanitation with the  aim  of  examining  in  depth  the  needs  of  people who  find  themselves  in  the  particular situation  of  WASH  from  different  disciplinary  and  interdisciplinary  perspectives.  WASH can enrich societies, but it can also give rise to challenges for both individuals involved in the  water  sanitation  process  and  governments  and  non-governmental  organizations  with stakes  in  the  process.  The Bangladesh Wash Forum analyzes  and  informs  on  all  these aspects. In connection with moreover 50 grassroots Bangladeshi NGOs are deeply involved with  this  Forum  and  working  on  the  issue  at  different  geographic  context  in  Bangladesh. Commonly,  this  includes  the  construction  or  repair  of  water  points  and  latrines,  training, solid  waste  management  and  drainages  are  also  sometimes  included.  Over  time,  water, sanitation  and  hygiene  promotion  WASH  has  become  one  of  our  core  sectors.  The Bangladesh  Wash  Forum  (BWF)  brings  together  a  dynamic  group  of  water  sanitation scholars from a range of fields across the country. This is an exciting initiatives and journey that  brings  together  interdisciplinary  perspectives  and  enables  innovative  and  ground breaking  endeavors.  As  a  collaborative  initiative,  the  mission  of  the  Bangladesh  Wash Forum is to support the sharing of knowledge and awareness raising practices; to find links between  supposedly  different  approaches  to  the  study  of  water  sanitation,  such  
as  those between environmental causes for Wash and economic consequences; to inform policy on matters related to human security; to promote comparative regional perspectives on water sanitation  issues;  to  consider  patterns  of  internal  Wash  problems;  to  jointly  influence governments or regions; It also contributes to   achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)  and  particularly  to  BWF’s  role  as  a  policy-influencing  body.  It  further  acts  as  a vehicle for good initiatives and local practice to be discussed more widely. It offers a forum for the development of new synergies between BWF’s Institutes in order to both create and spread  cutting  edge  research.  This  Forum  intends  to  provide  both  the  general  public  and stakeholders  with  easy  access  to  information  on  the  results  obtained  through  the  Forum action   based      programs   and   subsequent   policy   recommendations,   as   well   as   to communications about its past, ongoing and upcoming events

and activities

Computer Skill Training Program: 

The present world tremendously developed in the sectors of computer literacy and information technology.  In  that  sense  nowadays  nobody  questions  the significance of computer literacy. It is a fact that computer literacy is a crucial skill that is required in every sector of life—from studies to the job market. Bangladesh has already taken various steps to digitalize   the   country and hence   is   making an  effort  to  implement  them.   There   are   many organizations who are offering such training programs to develop computer skills.

In the light of Shelter Somaj Kollayan Sangstha (SSKS) have been working on helping to improve the lives and living conditions of the extremely poor in the remote villages of Bangladesh. To value human dignity, they emphasize on helping distressed women, disadvantaged children and vulnerable people in general and also focus on serving the poor honestly and impartially.

The primary focus of Web Design and Application program is to provide a complete understanding of the construction of websites, basic computer knowledge such as MS word, MS excel, power point

etc.  Students  can  put  their  creativity  to  practical  use  and  learn  advanced  techniques  of  Graphic Design and Multimedia Programming. Hardware and Networking course is helping the students to meet the challenges of the competitive job market in Bangladesh. It  is  now  well  accepted  that  the  safest,  shortest  and  lasting  route  to  economic  emancipation  for

Bangladesh lies in computer learning and IT sector. With the increasing problem of unemployment of educated youth group, it is necessary to maximize the contribution of skill computer training for economic  growth  and  poverty  reduction  of  the  country.  An  integrated  approach  towards  re- integration  is  necessary  to  accrue  the  fruits  of  successful  skill  computer  training.  Country’s development activities may get momentum with the active participation of youth groups both girls and youth. Comprehensive computer literacy program may be adopted for employment generation specifically for the interested youth groups. Bangladesh can enhance the skills and productivity of

unemployed youth force providing appropriate training. Economic empowerment at the micro-level is  the  basic  pre-requisite  to  reduce  the  poverty  in  achieving  the  Sustainable  Development  Goal (SDG).  Almost half of the population of the country constitutes women folk with equal potential to contribute   towards   the   economic   development   of   the   country.   The   overall   human   resource development  of  the  nation  is  not  possible  keeping  the  outside  the  mainstream  of  development activities. It was a challenging journey for SSKS and exciting

 groundbreaking endeavor.