The   Women   Empowerment   Project   of   Shelter  Somaj  Kallayan  Sangstha  (SSKS)      has   been   delivered   multi-level development benefits, providing much needed skills and income generating potential to  targeted  households.  It  has  increased  their  traditional  knowledge,  skills  and attitudes  that  will  have  a  positive  impact  on  the  lives  of  the  local  families.  The project follows a cooperative group approach for improving self-financing schemes and individual income to provide support for the local economy. It is needless to say that  around  Bangladesh,  women  and  girls  who  are  disproportionately  affected  by poverty  and  discrimination.  Often,  women  and  girls  are  not  allowed  to  make decisions  about  their  household’s  income,  or  tradition  and  culture  forbid  them  to leave their homes. In other words, half of the population cannot contribute to their families and communities economic development. A great resource goes untapped. But women are an important part of the solutions needed to truly overcome poverty. Our  experience  shows  us  that  when  equipped  with  the  proper  resources,  women have the power to help their families and entire communities escape poverty. When women  earn  an  income,  they  reinvest  90  percent  of  it  in  their  families  while  for every year a girl spends in school she raises her family income by up to 20 percent. Additionally, educated girls grow into educated women, who have healthier babies and are more likely to educate their children. It’s a simple formula: empowerment is the  total  sum  of  changes  needed  for  a  woman  to  realize  her  full  human  rights. Empowerment is not just about giving women training or a loan. Empowerment is more than that. It means that relationships and social structures that shape the lives of women and girls must change. Women’s empowerment can only be achieved when we include men and boys. Men are often those who define and keep women within their boundaries. But when we engage  with  them  they  realize  that  their  wives’  empowerment  benefits  the  whole family.  Promoting  gender  equality  and  empowering  women  is  the  key  to  lifting entire  families  out  of  poverty  –  and  it  defines  our  programs  worldwide.  SSKS Bangladesh  is  focused  on  women  exercising  greater  choice  in  decisions  affecting their  lives;  reduced  violence  against  women:  and  the  emergence  of  strong  social movements built on women’s solidarity and participation of men.