About Shelter

Shelter Samaj Kallyan Shangstha is a women-headed organization mainly working to empower women. It works mainly through group approaches. Organize the target peoples especially the woman of the poor and poorest families into groups to develop their Individual and collective strengths and ability.

“Making our society gender-just” – this thought, this hope gave birth to Shelter Samaj Kallyan Shangstha 15 years ago. Today, Shelter Samaj Kallyan Shangstha is one organisation in a sea of many, working to make this dream a reality. We are a not-for-profit women headed organisation working mainly for the empowerment of women and girls. Our team is small but our dreams are not. At Shelter Samaj Kallyan Shangstha, all of us want to create – and participate in – a society where all women can live a violent-free, dignified life with no discrimination. We dream of a society in which we can all be creative and productive members. Shelter Samaj Kallyan Shangstha believes that the cornerstone of creating a gender just society is to empower youth and support them to be change agents. It works with both young women and men to achieve the common end of transforming them into gender champions who believe in gender equality and would like to propagate it towards the objective of gender justice.

Legal Status:

Shelter Samaj Kallyan Shangsthais a voluntary non-government registered under the department of Social Welfare Registration & Department of Youth Development Registration and NGO Affairs Bureau.

Name of Registration Department


NGO Affairs Bureau

Department of Social Welfar Service

Department of Youth Development

Reg. No

Reg No- 2889
(Expiry Date: 27/08/2029)




Shelter Samaj Kallyan Shangstha currently has 10 technical staff at management positions from various levels of expertise’s with technical backgrounds i e agriculture, handicrafts and garments tailoring, livestock and fisheries, training experts and skills in gender justice and good governance, Rural development, besides subject matter specialists on health and education, water and sanitation,, nutrition and community health management, inter personal management.

In second line Shelter Samaj Kallyan Shangstha has a group of 25 field staffs, In the front line for the project initiated for direct implementation in the field.

Each sector has Sector leader i. e Health, Education, Livelihood; Community based health and sanitation etc. These Sector leaders report to Executive Director. The Executive Director is responsible for the facilitation of organizational growth as a team leader and participates in project and HRD planning, monitors/ MIS development and represent organization. She is instrumental in policy advocacy and strategy change management and head of the project quality development cell.

The Organization has three categories of staff: (a) core staff, (b) Technical staff (c) project staff including professionals and (d) support staff. Recruitment to various categories of jobs is normally made through open advertisement in the national dailies and also in the online job site. For some of the key positions of the project, especially the Consultants are proposed in the project proposal on the basis of qualification and adequacy to particular project. As a measure of flexibility, management allows core staff to work for different projects, where appropriate. This enriches the employees with diversity. Shelter Samaj Kallyan Shangstha recruit both from within and outside.
All full-time staff has to sign in the daily attendance register. Team Leader of each project put countersignature and makes remarks in case of late attendance. The administration section takes disciplinary action where necessary.
The Executive Director is responsible for the successful leadership and management of Shelter Samaj Kallyan Shangstha according to the strategic direction set by EC Committee.


Network Members of Shelter Somaj Kallayan Sangstha:

  • Green BanglaFoundation
  • WBB trust Dhaka
  • AID Jhenaidah
  • Bangaleer Patshla
  • D -Net (BangladeshTechnology)
  • Bangladesh Anti Tobacco
  • Alliance, Dhaka
  • Ministry of Youth
  • Department
  • Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM)
  • ADAB



Female: 202000
Male: 150200
Children: 350400
Total: 702,600


A world free from all forms of exploitation and discrimination where everyone has opportunity to realize their potential.


Our mission is to empower people and communities in situations of poverty, illiteracy, diseases and social justice, our interventions aim to achieve large scale positive changes through economic and social programs that enable men and women to realize their potential.


  • To make the group members conscious and aware of their situation, developed their confidence, self-respects, dignity and creative to make them fit for their desired changed.
  • To capacitate the organized people through participatory ,seminar, conference, workshop, training, meeting, day of observation ,So that they themselves can improvement their quality of life.
  • At the same time we do help assist the people for having fresh drinking water
  • Purifying the salinity from the water where necessary
  • Purifying the salinity from the water where necessary
  • Run training course so that the people can remove arsenic a saltine from drinking water by themselves.
  • To provide basic health service to the target people through both clinical and domiciliary services towards improvement of their overall health conditions. Primary Treatment on target beneficiaries overall health
  • To organize the target people especially in the poor and poorest women of the society to mark them, organized, united and help building their own organization basses and thus strengthen their individual and collective and capacity.
  • To promote Sustainable agriculture, cross production and nursery development
  • To improve the awareness of the poor about their deprivation and exploitation legal AID training.
  • To improve for poor children by pre-primary education and adult education
  • To educate the illiterate out of school-going children of the program village through running the non-formal child education centers , working children education center & farmer activities education center to established on village level .
  • To provide necessary provide necessary technical and credit supports to the poor group member for undertaking and operating small scale income generating activities mainly to help them all vitiate their acute poverty.
  • To run anti-drug movement in collaboration with government and non-Government
    Organizations to conduct survey and find out the drug affected people and provide them to be active as a good cities of the nation
  • To make survey and find out Arsenic affected Zone and help to rectify and remove arsenic from the drinking water and organize people through participatory Arsenic mitigation training, seminar, workshop etc.
  • To Established human right especially for the women and children and Reduce the discrimination.
  • To run research work for Finding Arsenic and salinity Zone and invent new technology for removing Arsenic and Salinity from he water where necessary
  • To respond to the heeds of the distressed people caused be natural disasters
  • To help community people develop their consciousness and awareness about their position in the social system.
  • To help mass people develop their self-image, self-confidences and creativity and thus make them fit for their desired changes.
  • To make literate the illiterate group members and other male and female of the program villages.
  • To provide basic health services to the target peoples through both domiciliary satellite and static clinical services towards help improve their health conditions.
  • To provide technical, training and technological supports to group members for initiating income-generating activities towards improve their economic condition.
  • To provide other supports and services in the process of their socioeconomic conditions.
  • To respond to the need of the distressed peoples caused by natural calamities.