Homeopathy,  or  homeopathic  medicine,  is  a  holistic  system  of  treatment  and  is based  on  the  idea  that  substances  that  produce  symptoms  of  sickness  in  healthy people will have a curative effect when given in very dilute quantities to sick people who  exhibit  those  same  symptoms.  Homeopathic  physicians  seek  to  cure  their patients on the physical, mental and emotional levels, and each treatment is tailored to a patient’s individual needs. Considering these ideas a cross sectional study was conducted  in  Jhenidah  city  and  its  adjoining  areas  to  determine  the characteristics of patients seeking homeopathic treatment. In the light of Shelter  Somaj  Kallayan  Sangstha (SSKS) has taken this specialized program to provide curative homeopathy treatment among the poor community at low cost service delivery. In order to a sample of 250 patients was  selected  for  interview  for  the  study  and  recorded  patients  history  by  the experienced   registered   doctor   and   provided   medicine   with   necessary   medical instructio