The issue of Mother & Child Health Care and infant mortality in Bangladesh has
been a longstanding concern. Bangladesh maternal mortality rate continues to be
unacceptably high. For each woman who dies due to complication from pregnancy
and childbirth and many more suffer injuries, infections and sometimes disabilities
brought about by conditions and it is a common phenomenon particularly in the rural
context of Bangladesh. This period builds on Shelter Samaj Kallyan Shangstha  success with a six year Community Based Mother & Child Health Care project in district of Jhenaidah in
Bangladesh. Therefore, it has been imperative to undertaken comprehensive
interventions in the proposed areas so that women, children and adolescent as well as common people in the rural areas might enjoy minimum health rights to improve
their overall health condition. It will be worthy to extend support through a project
to the destitute and poor women and children living in the proposed working area
who are in acute crisis of reproductive health, sanitation, nutrition and primary
healthcare services. Shelter Samaj Kallyan Shangstha confident enough this support will immensely benefit the poor women and children in improving livelihood security by reducing health related risks and hazards.